Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Little Red

Introduce Vocabulary: Red Riding Hood (Marshall)

Lesson Type:Introduce
Grade:K, 1, 2, 3
Group Size:Small Group, Whole Class
Length:20 minutes
Goal:After listening to a fiction read-aloud, students will know the meaning of three Tier Two vocabulary words. 
Materials:  Red Riding Hood (Marshall), board or chart paper

What to Do


Select three Tier Two vocabulary words to teach your students. A list of suggested words appears below. Write the vocabulary words on the board or on chart paper. 


1. Introduce the story. 
Today we are going to read a story entitled Red Riding Hood.
2. Introduce the three vocabulary words you have chosen. 
Before we read the story, I want to introduce some new words that we will come across. Please repeat each word after I say it.
3. Read the story.
Let’s read the story. Make sure to listen for today’s vocabulary words and to think about how they are used in the story. If you hear a vocabulary word while I am reading, raise your hand.
4. Define key vocabulary words. See definitions below.
Let’s think about our vocabulary words. The word ______________ means ____________. Does anyone remember how this word was used in the text?
Call on students to answer the question. Then refer to the text to show how the word was used in context. Repeat this process for each vocabulary word.


Now let’s practice what we’ve learned.

Bouquet means a bunch of flowers. What’s the word?
My favorite bouquet is carnations and daisies. You should only pick a bouquet if you’re given permission.
I’m going to name some items. If you think you might find the item in a bunch of flowers, say bouquet. Otherwise, stay quiet. Ready?
  • A ladybug
  • A leaf
  • A $100 bill
  • M&Ms
  • A blossom

Charming means attractive and pleasant. What’s the word?
Some people can’t help being charming; others have to work at it. Are you naturally charming, or did you practice?
I’m going to name some activities people might do. If you think the activity is attractive and pleasant, say charming. Otherwise, stay quiet. Ready?
  • Talking loudly at the movies
  • Politely shaking hands when you meet someone
  • Asking, “How are you today?”
  • Chewing your meal with your mouth open
  • Holding the door open for others

Escort means to go along with someone else to show the way or to keep them company. What’s the word?
My faithful little dog escorted me on my trip. Would you escort a new student and show her around the school?
I’m going to name some words. If you think the word means to show the way or keep someone company, say escort. Otherwise, stay quiet. Ready?
  • Guide
  • Companion
  • Rutabaga
  • Lumberjack
  • Attendant

Horrid means something really bad and scary. What’s the word?
Finding spiders in my bed was a really horrid experience. I hope you never have a horrid nightmare.
I’m going to name some words. If you think the word means really bad and scary, say horrid. Otherwise, stay quiet. Ready?
  • Pleasing
  • Nasty
  • Delightful
  • Disgusting
  • Horrible

Tarry means to move slowly and waste time. What’s the word?
Because the girl didn’t want to do any housework, she tarried on the way home from school. If your parent wants you to hurry, she might say, “Don’t tarry! Come now!”
I’m going to name some times. If you think it’s a good time to move slowly and waste time, say tarry. Otherwise, stay quiet. Ready?
  • When you have to be somewhere in 10 minutes
  • If you’re on vacation
  • When it’s a beautiful day and you’re out for a walk
  • When you’re going to an important meeting
  • When you’re playing in the sand

Wicked means evil, bad, and sinful. What’s the word?
There’s usually a wicked character in every fairy tale. Though you might do naughty things sometimes, you’re not wicked.
I’m going to name some fairy tale characters. If you think the character is evil and bad, say wicked. Otherwise, stay quiet. Ready?
  • The gingerbread man
  • The old woman in Hansel and Gretel who tried to put them in the oven
  • The witch in the Wizard of Oz
  • Cinderella
  • Sleeping Beauty


For Advanced Students:

If time permits, have students create more examples of the vocabulary words. 

For Struggling Students:

If time permits, have students record the words on a Vocabulary Discovery Chart or in a Word Journal

For ELL Students:

In order to help ELL students learn the words, it may be helpful to use realia and/or to teach cognates to help students learn the words. 

Monday, August 10, 2015

August 10, 2015

Beacon Classical Academy            August 10, 2015


Ms. Erica! She is with us part of the
morning and afternoon!

Just a little reminder!  Please label your child’s clothing, backpack, and lunch box.  If it’s misplace, it will be easier to find it.  We also have a Lost and Found bin by the office if you ever need to look for lost items.
Please pack a water bottle.  Try to get
a popup or any leak proof bottle to
avoid spills.  Don’t forget to label it!
 Homework is due every Friday!