Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Kinder Update and Homework

Peanut allergy is a common allergy among children.
Approximately 0.6% of American children have a peanut allergy. 
Peanuts are a common allergen reported to cause fatal and near-fatal
allergic reactions. It is important to know the symptoms of a severe
allergic reaction called anaphylaxis.
Peanut allergy is usually life-long once acquired.  Studies show that
about 20% of peanut allergic children will outgrow their peanut allergy.
Children with a peanut allergy must avoid peanut in all forms. 
This includes all peanut products. Children with a peanut allergy
also must avoid anything containing traces of peanut ingredients in it.
Thanks for NOT packing any snacks or lunches that contain or
might contain nuts.

Kinder Management @ ClassDojo
We Start Next Monday!!!!
Check homework folder for Parent Invite.

Homework  - August 4, 2015

Due Friday

For the students that have not turned in their plastic homework folder (with 2 pockets and fasteners) please turn it in this Friday!


1.       Our story this week is Three Billy Goats.  Please read to your child the story and have him/her retell the story to you.  They made some stick puppets they could use to retell the story. 

2.       Our 1st math unit is on Same and Different Objects / Please complete Same and Different Objects - Tuesday


1.       Sequencing Chart – Please have your child draw a picture for the beginning, middle, and end using The Three Billy Goats Gruff story.

2.       Please complete Same and Different Objects – Wednesday


1.       Please complete Same and Different Objects - Thursday


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